Innovate UK Smart Grants - April 2019
An advanced battery energy storage control system for predictive maintenance
During the project, we designed a battery casing for long term use, easy maintenance, and cell replacement to maximise battery pack life and utilisation of individual cells within M-BRIC. We included innovative compression fittings for battery electrical-conductive contacts and ensured that no welding, soldering, or gluing was necessary during assembly.
The project objective was to prevent single cell failure from affecting all the remaining cells in the battery pack. The temperature sensors would help flag dysfunctional cells before the heat could damage neighbouring cells or the entire pack.
By project end, the innovative electronic system would allow for battery management and diagnostics on an individual cell level. Each cell could be monitored or isolated for the benefit and optimal performance of the entire pack. The system could be accessed securely at any time.
The system was made compatible with any electricity generation system and different combinations of array configurations were possible.